How Long Could You Survive on Other Planets?

Humanity has dreamed of living beyond Earth for millennia, but would you really want to be in a spacesuit for the rest of your life?

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Mars Surface May Be Too Toxic for Microbial Life

“The combination of UV radiation and perchlorates common on Mars could be deadly for bacteria.”

Living on Mercury Would Be Hard

“The planet closest to the sun has no atmosphere, oceans or visible signs of life. While mostly very hot on its day side, the poles are cold enough to support megatons of water ice.”

What’s the maximum gravity we could survive?

“If we wish to colonize another world, finding a planet with a gravitational field that humans can survive and thrive under will be crucial. If its gravity is too strong our blood will be pulled down into our legs, our bones might break, and we could even be pinned helplessly to the ground.”

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