3 Yash Sinha & Dr Anand Stress Relief in Kitchener Canada

Dr Anand, MBBS, MRCGP (London)Medical Director HunterKane Ltd UK, licensed representatives of HeartMath in the UK.
The absolutely best, modern method of proven track record, medically researched and easily learnt, Spiritual and not religion based (therfore does not exclude people through their religious inclinations) is www.HeartMath.Org
Name: Dr
Age: 60
Dr Anand is the Medical Director HunterKane Ltd UK, licensed representatives of HeartMath USA. Dr Anand MBBS MRCGP (LONDON), a Holistic doctor, believes in health and healing NOT drugs and surgery. Patient empowerment and involvement are the key ingredients. Stress relief is the king pin and the best method, scientifically proven and repeatable is the HeartMath System. HeartMath.Org has vast numbers of major research papers and HunterCane.Com, using GHQ12 and HAD has over 10,000 records of impovements in all sectors in all aspects

I write as General Practitioners with experience of both orthodox and complementary approaches to health care. We practice and believe in ‘Holism’ which means treating the whole person and not just the physical body. Human beings exist at different levels: • we have a physical body • we have emotions • we have a mind • we have a spiritual awareness.

These levels are all interconnected and affect one another and we view disease as disharmony at any of these levels. Each person is also part of a greater whole. They have a family, community, culture, work role etc. These relationships all affect our sense of well being and hence our health. We have to bear all these factors in mind when asking the question “Why has this person become unwell at this particular time?” Our methods of treatment have to do more than just look at physical symptoms.
In medical school we were taught the Newtonian mechanistic view that “The whole is equal to the sum of its parts.” The human body is treated as a grand machine composed of different parts that we can either replace or repair. In order to understand the whole we break it into smaller and smaller parts and analyse them. Little consideration is given as to what is the animating force that distinguishes a dead body from a live one or how the different parts inter-relate. Thus the doctor sees patients in terms of various organs and cells or as a “most interesting case of Parkinson’s disease or liver cancer etc.” The patient is then referred to the appropriate “Parts Department” viz. Neurologist, Gastroenterologist, Gynaecologist, Psychiatrist etc. with little attempt to understand the person as a whole. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”


1. Stress is the biggest cause of illness today and is increasing by the day.
2. Stressors come from the outside Stress happens from inside us.
3. How we respond to Stress is our choice and is trainable.
4. The stress responce (Fight or Flight) is obsolete technology and need to be superseded
5. The HPA Axis, the Amygdala, Cortisol are all within our domain of control
6. www.HeartMath.Org has the largest knowledge and research base in this field in the world.
7. HeartMath’s patented software and hardware are cutting edge science, inexpensive and user-friendly. Their methods and books are truly enlightening.
8. www.HunterKane.Com , UK licensees, are the best training company for the HeartMath techniques.
Y Yash Yashvardhan Sinha specialises in Stress Management the Scientific way.

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