Apollo 20 After Files Livestream Q&A, AMA, Hangout, Chop it up – TheTruthBehind
Apollo 20 After Files Livestream Q&A, AMA, Hangout, Chop it up
Thank you. Awesome show.
It's crazy that even though you completely debunked the brooklyn story at the end you were still afraid it would get flagged.
Sooo… Imma stop you right there. I notice. I would care. It's a big world out there and I just found you. Code for you on Thursdays and I'm pretty sure I just finished binge-watching every video you've done.
Don't give up on me now.
Besides, hecklefish needs you.
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This made me think what about past life regression or astral projection diving in deeper? I myself am going to look into past life regression soon cause you just have this feeling your whole life…. ya know.