Reading from The Book of Thoth – Key of Wisdom Part1

Reading from The Book of Thoth Emerald tablets Chap III Key of Wisdom as translated by Doreal. TABLET III: The Key of Wisdom. Suggested Age of Emerald Tablets 36,000 years old:

“Far ‘neath the earth crust, in the Halls of Amenti, mysteries I saw that are hidden from men.

Oft have I journeyed the deep hidden passage, looked on the Light that is Life among men. There ‘neath the Flowers of Life ever living, searched I the hearts and the secrets of men. Found I that man is but living in darkness, light of the great fire is hidden within.

Before the Lords of hidden Amenti learned I the wisdom I give unto men.
Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom, brought from the future of infinity’s end. Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti, overlords they of the Children of Morning, Suns of the Cycles, Masters of Wisdom. Formed are not they as the children of men? Three, Four, Five and Six, Seven, Eight, Nine are the titles of the Masters of men.

Far from the future, formless yet forming, came they as teachers for the children of men. Live they forever, yet not of the living, bound not to life and yet free from death. Rule they forever with infinite wisdom, bound yet not bound to the dark Halls of Death. Life they have in them, yet life that is not life, free from all are the Lords of the ALL.”

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