Psychic & Spiritual Development: Concentration, Contemplation and Meditation

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“Concentration” (Dharana) is training the mind to focus the mind on a single object or a subject-line of thought without allowing the mind to wander. By obtaining this level of concentration of directing the mind down one channel of thought the student elevates his consciousness above the normal levels of operation. When concentration is sustained for long period of time and deep enough, contemplation is obtain and eventually meditation naturally follows after intense practice. At this point the nadis are being purified and the basic chakras are beginning to be partial activated. The control of mind through concentration begins to give the practitioner gradual control over the massive pranic and mental control over mental bodies locked in the auric magnetic fields.

“Contemplation” (Dhyana) is a result of intense and prolonged periods of concentration which brings about the ability to read imbedded subtle mental information within the object or within the auric field (or subtle magnetic mental field) of the object. In other words when contemplation is achieved the person receives a flow of information from their extra-sensory perception organs. This is considered to be clairvoyant powers or Siddhis. At this point of mental control the practitioner has learn to control the vrittis within the mental bodies (or subconscious mind). The student is then taught to perform Samyamas on as many objects as possible until they can obtain deep states of contemplation that eventually leads them into a meditative state of consciousness. In Contemplation the auric fields of the mental bodies are controlled to allow massive amounts of information to enter through to the extra-sensory perception part of the mind. At this point the nadis are conditioned to respond to conscious mental commands on several realms of mental perception (etheric-psychic, astral-psychic and mental psychic levels). The basic chakras and the two of the upper chakras are partial activated through the partial rise of Kundalini with the power of contemplation.

Meditation or “Deep Meditation” (Samadhi) is when the practitioner becomes one with that thing that he or she was concentrated or contemplating on. In other words meditation is when the practitioner merges his or her consciousness with the thing that they are concentrating of contemplating on. The meditator and the object of meditation becomes one consciousness. Therefore Meditation is the result of a full raise of the power of kundalini. The higher kundalini raise through sushumna to the various chakras, the deeper the meditation becomes. Each chakra petal represents a different level of meditation. After raising kundalini many times the practitioner enters a state of ecstatic bliss called “Samadhi”.

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