‘Ball Of Light’ Siberian UFO Incident leaves Witnesses and Experts Divided

‘Ball Of Light’ Siberian UFO Incident leaves Witnesses and Experts Divided

With the increased amount of UFO sightings over the last nine months, there’s no denying that 2016 is definitely one of the most productive years for UFO enthusiasts and alike. And even thought 90% of these sightings are explainable, there’s still a remaining 10% that will be added to the already long list of unexplainable events. However, a recent sighting in Siberia just this month was weird enough, it can fall right in between. Yes, a recent UFO sighting near Lake Baikal in Siberia has left witnesses, YouTube users and experts baffled as to what it was that lighted up.

On October 25th of this year, various residents from different areas near Lake Baikal noticed a ball of bright green light falling from the atmosphere. One particular video captured from a dash cam showed the said illuminated object with its bright trail falling from the sky. The appearance only lasted seconds, but the amount of light it brought was bright enough to be noticed by many people.

Some residents pitched in that it could be aliens. While others who were near the area posted online asking if a meteor or a comet fell from the sky early evening of Tuesday. One even predicted that soon enough there will be reports about extraterrestrial mutants.

Though the exact location where the object was last seen before, its light completely went out, some eyewitnesses estimated that it could have happened right in the middle of the lake Baikal itself. The estimation was supported by the head of Major Nature Reserve Mikhail Ovdin. According to him, he and his group saw a ball of bright green light falling from the sky over the area of Goryachinsk, and that it left a trail before disappearing five seconds later. Ovdin predicted that the object exploded in the air and its debris could have fallen in the Lake Baikal itself.

Liliya Mironova, head of the Astronomical Observatory at Buryat State University in Ulan-Ude, on the other hand insisted that the thing could be man-made. In her statement, Mironova said that she did not witness the incident itself, but after seeing the videos, she’s certain that it wasn’t a meteor nor a comet but a man-made object instead.  Her remark is different from what other experts have mentioned, prompting for more questions to be raised.

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