The 1976 Tehran UFO Sighting

The 1976 Tehran UFO Sighting


In the early morning of September 19, 1976, a UFO or unidentified flying object was sighted over the Iran capital, Tehran. The incident was reported as both visual and radar sighting, as two F-4 Phantom II jets lost communications and instrumentation as they came near the object, only restoring their reception as they withdrew. One of these aircrafts also suffered temporary failure of its weapons system as it prepared to open fire. Pilot reports also revealed the appearance of falling bright objects that have left a bright trail.

According to UFOlogists, residents also reported seeing a bright beam of light in the sky just before the pilots experience the supposed UFO encounter. On the contrary, Philip J. Klass, a journalist, later wrote in a report that it is likely that the witness saw Jupiter or any other astronomical body. maxresdefault (4)

This was also what James Oberg , an aerospace researcher concluded. Klass said that the malfunction the aircraft pilot experienced could only be a coincidence since equipment malfunctions are not a rare case.  Moreover, at the night of September 19, there were two yearly meteorite showers – the Southern Piscids and the Gamma Piscids, as well as sightings of the tail of the shower of Eta Draconids, making the odd lights and falling objects not unusual.

The incident is written and filed in a 4-page U.S. DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency report, which has copies at the White House, the office of the Secretary of State, National Security Agency, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and of course, the Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA. Although many people were debunking the story, it is still one of the most documented extra-terrestrial encounters that involved the military.

Is the Tehran UFO incident true or is is just a coincidence? Many believed, even UFO ‘experts’, that an extraterrestrial encounter actually took place that night.


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