Titan Our Sister Planet

A poem about Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. Read a book back in late summer about astronomy and there was a small part in the book about the moon.

Titan is one of Saturn’s moons.
So far away from the sun, it’s probably hardly ever high noon.
An atmosphere which is nitrogen-rich, yet dense.
And, being so far from the sun, it may not make much sense.
The gases on Saturn may make some nervous.
The atmosphere has prevented observers from seeing below Titan’s surface.
The Cassini mission touched down on Titan in 2005.
And, maybe Titan is more alive.
The moon may have Earth-like qualities
such as weather patterns and volcanic activity.
If it was closer to the sun, could life on Titan have longevity?
On the surface, is identified organic matter.
Making Venus the former sister planet, and Titan the latter.
Once the data is analyzed and scientists can get their hands on it,
it may turn out Titan, not Venus is our sister planet.

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