Nasca Lines and Ancient Cemetery, Peru 2004

Nasca in Peru is the home of the mysterious Nasca Lines. The lines are large lines and figures drawn in the desert sand by the ancient Nasca people between 900BC and AD600 and can only be seen from the air.

Figures include a 55m long monkey, a Condor with 130m wingspan, a hummingbird (50m), an alcatraz, a human figure on a hill called the astronaut (32m) and many others.

There are various theories on the origin of the lines; tribute to the gods, procession lines, signs for shamans flying high on hallucinogenic and some people even believe that it is a runway for aliens.

The 30 minutes flight over the lines was really amazing. After the flight I went to see the Cemeteria de Chanchilla, an old Nasca cemetery with 12 graves (there was many more, but most of them have been raided by grave robbers) containing skeletons with long hair (the longest was 3m!) in fetal position, wrapped in blankets.

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