Bigfoot Sighting Mendocino County 1971 – Families Have Face to Face Encounter

It’s after 2 a.m. and two brothers are leading their families to their cabin walking the last few hundred yards down a hill and along a creek. As the story unfolds, they wait to see if they can help a raccoon who may have a can stuck on its head. The toddlers and wives and babes in arms are instructed to be very quiet and let’s see if we can help this ‘coon. Lo and behold, what happens next is a breathtaking close encounter with a huge male bigfoot. Probably the very same one Buggs and his brothers watched walk across their cabin parking area one year earlier.

This is video #3 (of 4) in my series of interviews with bigfoot eyewitness Buggs Adamson.

Hope you enjoy it!

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