Matters of the Universe – Part 1: The Expansion and the Energy of Nothing

Part 1 of 3 – Can the universe come from nothing? What is the shape of the universe? How will the universe end? — all that and much more in this 3 part video containing excerpts of Lawrence Krauss’ lecture exploring the birth, the life and the fate of the universe. Understanding its expansion, its age, the existence of the exotic dark matter and dark energy, the notion of a universe coming from nothing, the curvature of space and its relation to the universe’s fate.

In this part Krauss discusses (+links to more info on each subject):
* Einstein’s Cosmological Term (aka Cosmological Constant)

* Hubble’s findings of an expanding universe and the ‘redshift’

* The use of exploding starts (super nova) as ‘standard candles’ to measure the size of the universe

* The age of the universe

* The energy of empty space (“nothing”) – i.e. quantum virtual particles

See the full lecture here:

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