Myths About The Mysteries Of The Paranormal

Myths About The Mysteries Of The Paranormal

The world of the paranormal stands on what remains largely unexplained and mysterious; however, this doesn’t imply that explanations don’t exist. We, humans, have not only tried to explain phenomena in the world we live in but also in the world beyond us. Therefore, innumerable stories and theories have been told about paranormal activity over the years that are a part of paranormal pop culture.


Mysteries Of The Paranormal and Associated Myths

Some of these theories and stories have caused misconceptions to take root in people’s minds. It might be hard to believe, but even when we talk of mysterious phenomena like ghosts, creatures, and aliens, there are things we can label false with a fair degree of confidence. Here, we have attempted to clear the air about some popular paranormal myths.


Paranormal Facts Exist

The world of the paranormal exists beyond the realms of any scientific explanation. Hence, a person claiming to have a golden rulebook the paranormal world adheres to or anyone who claims to know just how to make a ghost appears just has to be a charlatan. It’s also his chance to get famous overnight. There are many researchers including scientists of repute who have come up with compelling theories about what remains unexplained. Attempts are being made to apply these theories through scientific methods, but so far no compelling facts exist to prove beyond doubt that paranormal facts exist.


No Physical Evidence Of Bigfoot Exists

Bigfoot researchers continue to insist that there indeed is enough physical evidence to prove that the Bigfoot does exist—including hair, tissue, blood, tracks, and yes, poop as well. Reputed primatologists like Dr. Jane Goodall and Dr. Jeffery Meldrum of Idaho State University are in a growing body of scientists who believe in the existence of Sasquatch. The Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society’s Eric Altman claims that since Mother Nature can break down animal remains very effective in just a matter of 10 days, it’s only stating the obvious that it would be very hard to come across a freshly-dead specimen of what is already a very rare creature.


Ghosts Are Nocturnal Creatures

There are ample reasons why ghosts hunt in the night. As the sun goes down, darkness descends and the world goes quiet. Yes, it’s much creepier that way. Certain locations allow you to enter only after daytime business hours have ended and things get a bit spooky. It’s when you bring out your night vision camera and hope to capture a ghost. However, if it’s a ghost you’re looking to chase, you can chase one just as effectively at 11 am and not 11 pm. You might well have a much better chance of spotting a ghost during the day as that’s when those who have died were more active.


Aliens Are Always Little Men Green In Color Coming In Flying Saucers

No, not quite. Believers say that aliens are little men with a grey complexion. Among American’s, “The Greys” form the archetypes aliens are associated with and it’s these creatures that were supposedly found in the Roswell Incident that triggered quite a sensation. The creatures, it’s supposed, have buggy eyes that are large and black. Their mouths are a slit on their very big noggins. However, eyewitnesses have also reported aggressive reptiles and Nordic humanoids with blonde hair among dozens of alien creatures people claim to have spotted. Coming to flying saucers, experts in UFOs claim that flying crescents, triangular ships, cigar-shaped crafts, and V-shaped crafts shouldn’t be left out either.


Today’s Zombies Are Supernatural

The concept of zombies has existed for more than a century and before 1968, it applied to creatures that were soulless slaves, a creation of voodoo magic by the Haitians. It was after the release of A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in 1968 that the concept of “zombie” saw a complete change. It’s now believed that zombies are creations of a contagion that remains unexplained, but certainly not supernatural. Matt Mogk, an expert in zombies from the Zombie Research Society says that zombies are relentlessly aggressive, re-animated human corpses—a creation of biological infection.


People Don’t Believe In Vampires Anymore

The last few years have seen a comeback by vampires in popular paranormal culture. Speaking of a comeback, we should mention that the concept of vampires always quietly existed in certain societies. For example, in India, local politicians placed a bounty of $2,000 on vampires it was believed were sucking blood from animals in the town of Tamil Nadu’s Dharmapuri. We may also recall how in Romania’s Marotinu de Sus a corpse was exhumed and subsequently staked in 2004. Therefore, while the supernatural ghouls may not quite be like the sexy creatures as shown in “Twilight” and “True Blood,” people in many societies still do believe in them. In the United States as well, subcultures of individuals exist who believe they come from vampires of a certain class. These groups are especially active in New Orleans and New York City.


Ghosts Haunt Only Old Buildings

A dilapidated building with plants growing out of its old walls may be the favorite haunt for ghosts in Hollywood flicks, but in reality, they may not necessarily be a ghost’s preferred hang-out destination. Researchers claim to have found evidence of paranormal activity in jails, hotels, asylums, hospitals, cars, forests, battleships, museums, and cruise liners, and even on roads. Therefore, there’s every possibility of new locations being haunted and death doesn’t need to have occurred at the haunted place. Objects and even people themselves can be the targets of haunting as is widely accepted.



The mysterious and enigmatic world of the paranormal still has elements of the unknown. That only enhances its aura. We have picked some of the common myths about the paranormal that people live with and have cleared the air. Mind you, there’s no reason to believe that ghosts hang out only at old buildings and that they go out for a walk only when it’s dark. You never know when you meet one!

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