The Pascagoula Abduction

The Pascagoula Abduction


The Pascagoula abduction involves 42-year-old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker. It was October 10, 1973, when 15 people,two policemen included, have reported seeing a large UFO flying slowly over  a St. Tammany Parish housing project, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

24 hours after this sighting, both Parker and Hickson were in the Pascagoula River, fishing. Suddenly, they heard a buzzing sound coming from behind them. They turned at once to see where the sound is coming from, amazed to discover there was a large, egg-shaped thing hovering above the ground. To their surprise, the craft’s door opened and 3 strange-looking creatures alighted. The beings floated across the river although they have legs, they didn’t use them.

PascagoulaAccursoThe two man described the creatures to be more or less 5 feet in height, their bullet-shaped heads have slits for mouths and they have conical objects for ears and nose. They have no necks and eyes; skin is grey and wrinkled; their hands are claw-like and their feet are round.

Two creatures grabbed Hickson, who was frozen in fear. Parker fainted and the third being took him. Hickson later recalled that he was floated into a room inside the craft. The creatures left Hickson inside the room, still floating. Roughly 20 minutes after they were brought inside, the two men were floated back outside the UFO. Parker was already conscious, praying, and crying. The craft shot straight up and disappeared a few moments later.

The two men initially planned to report the incident to the local newspaper, but the office was closed. They went to the sheriff’s and told their bizarre story, which the sheriff initially thought was a hoax. News spread shortly after, and within days, the incident was a national news. To investigate the ‘abduction’, the APRO (Aerial Phenomena research organization) sent professor James Harder of University of California; while a U.S. Air Force was represented by DR. J. Allen Hynek. Harder tried to hypnotized Hickson, but the session was cancelled because the latter became so frightened. Hickson and Parker later took a lie-detector test and they both passed it. The two professors believed the hickson and Parker’s story, with Hynek later stating that there was something extraterrestrial out there.

The Pascagoula abduction is considered as one of the most unusual UFO accounts. And while there are only two involved in the sighting and abduction, several other accounts of sightings of UFOs were reported on that strange night.

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