NASA Video Shows Martian Crab Eating A Bug

NASA Video Shows Martian Crab Eating A Bug

Just when you thought you’ve seen it all. Yes folks, a recent NASA video where the Rover was seen drilling into the ground of the red planet allegedly showed a crab-looking creature munching on a smaller insect. UFO enthusiast and hunter Scott C. Waring, also owner and main blogger for, posted the video pointing out the small insect-eating critter right next to the rover’s drill.2B20A6E300000578-0-image-a-28_1438808825382

In the clip which was taken from the Mars Alive account in Youtube, the rover was seen drilling into the ground when a tiny black circle-like shaped insect moved away from the drill. Waring then pointed that just before the small insect got away, a bigger critter got to it. He said the bigger creature has prominent legs, preventing the smaller one from escaping its inevitable death. Waring also said that the small predator was disguised as a rock, enabling it to hide and feed on the smaller creatures wandering on the surface of Mars.

He also pointed out that this video is a great evidence that life on Mars is indeed real, contrary to what most of us were accustomed to believe in. The famous UFO hunter also called out NASA once again and painted the space agency as the bad guy after the Rovers drill forced the small insect out of hiding and get eaten by another slightly bigger mysterious creature.

And as usual, the video was met with different reactions. Many believed that Waring was right and that the bigger creature truly has legs while there are also others who said that the two beings he saw were nothing but rocks. And that the vibration caused by drilling prompted them to be moved from their stationary place.

Waring speculated that the creature is the same crab-looking critter that was spotted in a picture years ago when Russia first landed on mars. But whether it’s true or not, no one can deny that the video itself was remarkable and everyone should be proud of what modern space-trekking technology has brought to us.

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