Phoenix Lights plus 14. Still no answers.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 marks the 14th anniversary of one of the most enigmatic events in Arizona and UFO history, a state-wide sequence of observations and reports that has come to be known as the Phoenix Lights.

Close to a decade and a half later, the general public and the historical record is no closer to an understanding of the events of March 13, 1997 than the night the lights went over Phoenix, despite any number of books, documentaries and radio shows on the subject.

This is because there has never been a full, formal investigation, properly funded, headed up by experienced researchers and staffed with an interdisciplinary team, tasked with determining the origin, method and motive for presenting to the populace of cities stretching from Henderson, Nevada to the Mexican border an apparent overflight of as many as 8 different very large, silent objects that seemed to defy both gravity and physics as we know it.

If you assume it is a very large universe and realize that, given the exponential rate of technological progress just beginning to take firm hold of human civilization, a civilization that was at our state of development a mere one hundred years ago would appear to us to have advanced 20,000 years in the last century and if you take the thousands of reports from credible citizens at face value it is reasonable to conclude that the Phoenix Lights observations is what it seemed to be: a gentle but deliberate display of advanced technology intended to provide enough eye-witness testimony and personal experience to spark the recognition that humanity is not the only intelligent life form capable of operating on earth.

But that simple conclusion is at such odds with the official narrative of academia, the media and the political establishment, so it is impossible, apparently, for any of those entities to arrive at it in responsible fashion.

Which begs the question: What will it take for humanity to come to the official realization that the notion that we are the sole intelligent species on the planet is merely a homocentric conceit?

The preverbal answer is a landing on the White House lawn, but such blatant exhibition is yet to be forthcoming.

Which begs the question: Why is the UFO phenomenon so tantalizingly elusive, providing example after example such as Phoenix, which is only one of a long string of such mass sightings, that is profound enough to be sufficient proof that something is operating here on earth, but never anything that is blatantly undeniable?

Do they think we can’t handle the truth?

If the reaction of our political institutions, the military industrial complex and the national security state is any indication, we can’t. Or won’t.

If the reaction of the common citizen is any indication, however, the answer is we most certainly can.

Perhaps the problem lies not with the admission that advanced intelligence is present on earth, but in the implications of that realization.

If you change the official narrative of history to include even just the significant mass observations that have taken place since the second World War, you then have to begin to think in cosmic terms and scope. If you do that and look deeper into the historical record, what are now dismissed by western technological civilization as mere myths, legends and superstitions among ancient human societies becomes evidence that we’ve been visited and indeed the establishment of whole societies aided by advanced intelligence.

Follow that train of research far enough and you arrive at the conclusion that mankind is the result of genetic engineering that we are an artificially enhanced version of the primates that existed in essentially modern human form for over 120 thousand years that never exhibited one spark of art or agriculture or commerce or culture until something changed that 35,000 years ago.

We can easily perform genetic manipulation of lower life forms and do so on a commercial basis, yet it remains beyond the imagination at some level to consider that we may be the result of just such technology, applied more than once in our distant and recent past.

And perhaps an advanced intelligence is inviting us to do just that, hoping that we will connect the dots and decide for ourself that enough evidence is enough evidence and that we need to rethink our position in the cosmic ecosystem that astro-science is busy every day determining must be out there.

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