WTC 7 – BBC The Third Tower – Conspiracy Files

In this documentary from the BBC, Barry Jennings, who is often used by conspiracy theorist as a key witness to WTC7, refutes what the conspiracy theorist believe and sets it straight for the record.

Regardless of this well known interview, conspiracy theorist still use Barry Jennings, a man who does not believe in their theories, as evidence OF their theories!

Quote from the interview –

“There was this eerie sound, the whole building went dark, and the stair case I was standing on gave way”.

Tell me conspiracy theorists, does this sound like a hidden bomb exploding, or indeed, the collapse of the first tower?

For a complete debunking of 9/11 myths:

Or view other videos uploaded by myself.

Also Youtube “9/11 Debunked” by RKOwens4

and watch;

Screw Loose Change – Not Freakin’ Again edition

Screw 9/11 Mysteries – Clunkity Clunk Edition

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