UFOs and Alien Structures on Mars

Mars has forever been a source of mystery and intrigue for human cultures throughout the millenia. What if an ancient alien civilization existed on the red planet eons before our society evolved? Are there cultural connections between our civilization and theirs?

Footage includes a comparison between an ancient Earth temple and its martian comparision, numerous UFO sightings on Mars from the NASA Curiosity rover cameras, a cylindrical Mars orbital UFO, as well as the possibility that humans may have already visited Mars.

Mars is our compatriot planet. Its past, present, and future, will necessarily be intertwined with ours. How has that future played out to date? What information has been overlooked? What conspiracy has been buried? If there is ever to be a human effort into space it will begin with Mars – but what if that effort is ancient history? Or, perhaps more interestingly, what if that effort is currently underway?

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