UFO Sighting in North America – United States – Coral Springs, Florida on 02/17/2014 (HD 1080p)

On Monday 02/17/2014 at 6:23pm, my 12 year old nephew was outside playing in my front yard. He noticed a very bright light flying through the evening sky. He excitedly called all of us outside to see this unidentified flying object.

I quickly grabbed my cell phone and ran outside with my mother and my 5 year old nephew. Both of my little nephews believed the bright, flying light was an asteroid.

In an effort to identify this UFO, I decided to submit my UFO video to YouTube and its viewers. I am hoping to find out if other people had witnessed this event or something similar.

This is an educational opportunity for kids and adults. Please feel free to add comments to help identify this UFO. With your help, I am looking forward to accurately identifying this flying object.

UFO Sighting in North America – United States – Florida – Coral Springs 02/17/2014

By the way, please remember to visit the official EducateZap web site:

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