UFO Files – Alien Abductions: The Evidence – Part 3 of 5

An investigation of the ‘alien abduction’ phenomena. Over a million people have reported being victims of so-called alien abductions, UFO visitations, missing time and other related events. Some even claim to have had physical implants inserted in them by the extra terrestrials. Some say it’s a sinister plot to colonize and secretly breed with the human race by beings from another world, while others say it’s really a covert government ‘mind control’ program which uses aliens and UFO’s as convenient cover. Or maybe it’s just a distinctly human condition, a paranoia or mental illness, as the skeptics claim. One thing is for sure, for millions of people around the world, alien abductions are as real as it gets. We talk to the victims, the witnesses, the scientists, the believers and the skeptics, to try and get to the bottom of the mystery. We analyze the ‘implants’, we visit the ‘support groups’ and we test the ‘abductees’ with a Polygraph ‘lie detector’ test. An in depth investigation of a fascinating phenomena.

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