The Olmec Civilization and the Mayan Calendar

The Olmec’s or the Olmec civilization were one of the many tribes that eventually bonded together to become what we know as the Mayan. That is right- the Mayan’s were more like a European Union, in as much in the fact that the union of the Mayan’s was not based on one sort of people with the exact same language or cultures, but a union of many cultures into what we today know as the Maya people.

Here the Black Jaguar, the ultimate Tikal Guatemala guide goes over some of the brief facts about the Olmec’s. Olmec means the “rubber people” and they pre-date the Mayan union. The Olmec’s invented the number zero – 0 and were excellent astrologers and mathematicians and other things, such as ball games and bloodletting (to assist with astro or out of body travel) are credited to them. They are credited with starting this unique calendar or the long count calendar (which needed a zero to be possible and is based on the number 20.). 2012 will bring about, according to this calendar, the fourteenth b’ak’tun and the transformation from the love of power to the power of love. (Some call this the Age of Aquarius.)

The Olmecs are said to have been around from 1,400 to 400 BC, however once again, they certainly later made up a key part of the Mayan “civilization.”

Danilo or the Black Jaguar also brings up evidence of a potential link between Africans and The Olmecs- perhaps explaining a trading of technology from ancient Egypt or even Atlantis to central America.

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