The New Jesuit Pope Prepares to Welcome Lucifer As Christ!! Bob Trefz

Sermon Entitled…”Lucifer’s Telescope”: Satan is now preparing for his appearance, with the groundwork laid by the Jesuits holding him up as the alien savior of humanity. A powerful look into what is coming–first of all, from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, then from the Jesuit astronomers involved in VATT and LUCIFER. we lay the foundation for truth from the world, and distinguish between truth and error–from the foundations of papal thought and plans, to Biblical foundations. It is all here expounded…the all sufficiency of Christ vs. the ineffective papal christ and system, the Nephilim, the nature of angels and the redeemed, what was happening at the flood, Operation Condor and Pope Francis, the significance of having a Jesuit as a Pope. What the Jesuits plan to accomplish with their LUCIFER telescope on Mt. Graham, in confirming papal rule over the entire earth, based on intelligence recived from “alien Civilizations”. For more information please see our website:

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