The Holy Grail Vortex – 12th Dimensional Stargate . Part 8 of 9..

Some Old Templars designed the original Cathederals to resonate with the Earth Grid and open up the Heart Chakra of Earth and Humanity.
The Vortex Energy series which is much longer (over 18 parts) and explains more can be viewed here: vortex playlist

The establishment understood this ( and destroyed them ) and carried on building cathederals based on the same design, the Templars of today hide many of these secrets from the public eyes, therefore i say they are not true Templars.

They (nwo) then went on to use Cathederals etc.. to help control the Grid and many of us through religion etc.. ALL of the vortices in every “Church” and all religious buildings can be changed to benefit humanity. I have walked into many Cathederals which are based on the original designs that were first intended to balance the grid, the most interesting thing to note is the hugely negative reactions given out from these places when the origins of the designs are pointed out to the guides and religious workers at these places, all of a sudden they are not so friendly.

There is a Stargate in Chartres Cathederal in France, it is a concious Stargate. GK.

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