The Great Ecclesiastical Conspiracy – Part 2 of 13 – FOTM1

This is HARD!! Many will not be able to hear this at all!
Is it really possible that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible was INTENTIONALLY DOCTORED to reinforce and support a “priest class” and institutional, political heirarchies. The Protestant Reformation didn’t go far enough. It didn’t really eliminate the temple worship and priest class, it just put a nicer face on it.

This explains why things are this bad. It explains why most of this thing we call “Christianity” is in fact, not at ALL what Jesus had in mind. This explains why so many are being abused in a “system” that was NEVER what God designed in the first place.

This is the audio version of the free E-book available at and . MANY other resources available.

Repent. The days are short. The Babylonian mystery religions have consumed nearly all the “churches”.

The Lord is crying out, “Come out of her, my people!”

Run for the hills. You and Jesus are sufficient. Let HIM be your teacher.

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