The four camps of conspiracy – by Alex Jones

This is an oversimplification, but there is in a way four different camps.

On the establishment side:
1.Bad guys side, lying scum, people covering up.
2. Mainstream people who wants to think everything is fine, they are on the side of denial.

On the conspiracy side:
1.Real reaserchers who understand human history, and even though they may not present it right they are putting out real information. These are the real freedom fighters and its this is actually the only side wich is “real” so to speak. This is what will hopefully save the world from the banksters and scums alike.

2.Here we have the people who most of the time are more into entertaining things like flying saucers, chupacabras.. more of unexplained mysteries really. These aren’t really true “conspiracy theorists” (sorry for using that term)

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