The Anunnaki, African Gold, Collapse of the Petro-Dollar, and Ebola Crisis!

Update: added CC 12.1.14. Be sure to choose the CC English, not the automated English for an accurate transcript. Just when you thought you had the Ebola scare correlated with the Immigration crisis, another piece of the puzzle falls into place. Enki’s assigned domain, Africa, is under assault by his opposing forces represented by the NWO and their gold-lusting bankers. Note that the African populace has been enslaved both internally and externally (think Blood Diamond-De Beers) and Slavery for sugar cane and farming. Now consider the HIV-Aids focal point in the world, at least initially and probably still the case: Africa, again Enki’s domain under biological assault. Then comes yet another disease (Ebola) scare in the place of mankind’s origins, Africa…Consider the fact that the world is moving back to the gold standard, i.e. BRICS nations have already made their choice and signed trade agreements with other nations to do the same. This is the end of the American petro-dollar and America will do anything to get the gold before it is too late. Lucky for the NWO forces, they have the African gold surrounded with a biological quarantine area, keeps the mining stakes more secure that way…Enjoy

Below is the outline and references for this research.

Demise of the Petrodollar:

1.1 BRICS recent action to establish Gold as the currency

1.2 Russia/Iran sign Gold for Oil deal
1.3 US now desperately needs gold to prop up the world currency standard (motive)
1.4 Germany recalls Gold held by US
1.5 Gold quantities held by world governments
African Gold Mines

1.6 Sumerians describe getting gold in South Africa under Anunnaki authority
1.7 Review Anglo American Mining Corporation profile plus map

1.8 Anunnaki Gold mines preview using Google Earth of the area

1.9 Tell story of Guns, Germs and Steel involving Gold and the Aztecs in Peru
1.10 Send CDC to Africa to study native disease profile

1.11 Funding sources for Tulane university provided by Monsanto, George Soros Ft Dietrick Army Lab, And the WHO

1.12 Patent Ebola in conjunction with secretly developing a vaccine or cure for financial gain

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