Stories on #Success – Rebirth

Om Nama Shivaya! Welcome to Om Nama Shivaya Channel. As extension of our spirituality Series Success we’re going to talk about rebirth. What is rebirth? and why we say the concept of rebirth exists and what is the reason for rebirth and what we can learn from the concept rebirth and how it influences whether we have success in our current life or not. And how we can use the law of rebirth to our advantage and how we can influence the success. we achieve success as we defined , mentioned in last episodes.
So one of the main reasons for many atheists to deny existence of GOD they are not able to disprove but they deny existence of god is that if GOD is so compassionate why do we see so much suffering on this earth the main contention if you like of those people who cannot accept the existence of GOD or those people who accepted the existence of GOD are not able to answer this question why there’s so much suffering on this earth and if GOD exists this shouldn’t be happening, So this rebirth concept answers that very very vital question and this the question that everyone needs answer for in order for them to have faith in an entity called GOD. And just to give you a little bit of spiritual, historical background to this rebirth concept Every religion that originated from India have always accepted the concept of rebirth be it Hinduism Buddhism or Jainism they all accept the concept of rebirth None of the Judaic religions accept the concept of rebirth the reason being that they believe the soul is created by GOD And one of the main uh… concept behind all the religions that originated from India is that GOD is separate from the souls and GOD did not I repeat did not creative the souls Souls eternally existed and the GOD is helping the Soul to reach the godhood This is the main concept in all the Indian based religions and for whatever reason i do not know for whatever reason the Judaic religions do not believe this concept of ever existing soul Or at least most of the sects of this Judaic religions do not believe that but there are signs there are places even in bible that point to the concept of the rebirth and also in the Greek philosophy there are places where the rebirth is brought up by philosophers for example the philosopher and mathematician Pythogarous uh… has proposed that souls take multiple births and he called it Psycho Metamorphosis and there are uh… there are sayings in bible that asks Jesus in one of the places Jesus is asked Are you the Elias. So there referring to the concept of an reincarnation of Elias as Jesus in his current life So what I am trying say is that most religions including uh… Christianity have tossed about this idea of rebirth and this rebirth is real, But just for now for argument sake, If we take away the concept of rebirth then all the allegations all the complaints all the uh… denials of GOD being compassionate will become true So we are saying, OK I don’t believe that uh… rebirth exists then we need to answer the question how can you call your god compassionate How can he be uh… so cruel that we see people born crippled we see people born with disformity so how is that possible Now let’s go back to uh… the rebirth concept
So the rebirth concept comes out of this i main tenet of any religion is not all religion is that GOD is helping the soul to come out of misery SO that is the main concept of any religion uh… if you are a Christian you believe that uh… Jesus saves you from the sins. Correct? and if you are a Muhammadan you believe that Allah will take you along along to with him and then you will be taken in heaven if you are a Hindu then you believe that you go to Heaven or depending on which sect of Hinduism you are following you become GOD, in some sects in some other sects you become part and parcel of the GOD and in some sects you are the GOD and you go back to your Godhead So that is the concept here we have to separate two entities, one entity is GOD.

Which is only one and other entities are the souls which are many and these souls are different level of intelligence or maturity. So what GOD does is that He assigns a body to a soul So your soul was assigned a body very first time. Right? So your soul intelligence did not was in Darkness or ignorance without any sensory perception and it was attaching itself to the darkness or ignorance because it knew not any better it did not know what an sensory perception is it did not have enough intelligence to be able to uh… attain, reach GOD

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