Stonehenge Derives From Carahunge?

This video is a fascinating example of a particularly deluded form of counter knowledge. In spite of the claims made by the film’s producer, which we are sure are genuinely held, and while the monument maybe 7500 years old, the exact purpose of the stones can not be established although it is likely that this is a necropolis. The holes in some of the stones were probably drilled much later that the erection of the stones themselves.

The etymological links claimed for this site are imaginary, as is its connection with Armenians, who did not arrive in the region until the 6th century BC. We simply do not know who constructed the site since its construction predates writing and its origins were already lost in time when writing was introduced to the region.

The site had nothing to do with the Pyramids or Stonehenge. The word “henge” has no connection with the Armenian word “hunge” as the video claims. The English word” henge” was coined in 1932 by an English academic to describe these structures; we do not know what the builders of Stonehenge called their creation. Carnac in Brittany was similarly named in modern times.

There is no known, or even knowable, connection between Carahunge and Gobekli Tepe in South East Turkey although we can certainly say that Gobekli Tepe is a far older and more sophisticated site both in engineering and artistic terms.

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