“Spirituality” is as Stupid as Religion

You say:
“Religion is man-made. I am spiritual.”

I hear:
“Unsupported bullshit is man-made. I am unsupported bullshit.”

Spirituality, magic/magik/magick, special energies, color invocations, charging stones, etc., it’s all unsupported bullshit. There’s no difference between a christian telling you to pray to [G]od, a pagan telling you to pray to [whichever god they think is best], and a “witch” telling you to perform a candle and incense ritual to garner favor with [who the fuck ever.]

It’s random crap that doesn’t work on any demonstrable scale above chance and all sounds as equally stupid to anyone who hasn’t been indoctrinated with it. Throw in scientology, islam, and mormonism for good measure, and it’s still awash as to who wins the Biggest Moron Award.

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