Shaykh al-Albânî about the Fitnah of the freemasons the illuminati

Scholar: Imâm Muhammad Nâsir-ud-Dîn al-Albânî
Source: Silsilah al-Hudâ wan-Nûr, # 420
Translation & video:

Question: We know that Islâm has many enemies, and from those (enemies) are the freemasons. So can our Shaykh tell us about the freemasons, their tactics/methods, their ideas and how far it influences us and its danger upon Islâm?

Shaykh al-Albânî: It’s not from me and it does not concern me, not in the least, that I speak about the freemasons, or on the Baathists, or the socialists or any organisation whether it was public or secret, such as the freemasons. We shall not talk about it in detail, as we believe that all political organisations and parties from what they preach in public and in secret do not want Islâm any good.

The freemasons are a secret jewish organisation and it works in a very deceitful way, that in some situations it managed to join in some Islâmic (groups) because they appear to them to not get involved in opposing the religion. And as the saying goes in Shâm (Syria); [literal translation]:
‘Everyone has their own religion and may Allâh help them.’
[unislâmic proverb]
But they rather appear as a charity organisation to help one another and bring victory to one another to what is only towards the materialistic world, but in reality they are planning. However, as Allâh (ta’âlâ) said:
“But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.”
(The Qur’ân 8:30, interpretation of the meaning)

For this reason, as it is not permissible for the Muslim to be a socialist or a ba’thist or a communist, therefore it is not permissible to be a freemason. Because all those who are in charge of these parties and those organisations are not from Islâm whatsoever and that statement is enough for the Muslim, but as for going into details, then that is a historical matter.

A Muslim can review/read the books and letters/messages that are published stating the disgrace and tribulations that are resulting from the freemasons. And I do not rule out that the biggest tribulation at present times in the entire Islâmic world in general and in the Arab world in specific is only from the works of the jewish freemasons around the entire world.

al-Ansari: UNESCO and the freemasonry are the greatest, filthiest and worst organisations in the world. (al-Majmu’ 2/561)

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