SATAN, DEVIL, LUCIFER, What do these names really mean?

This video explains the incredible deception that Christianity has plaid upon us. There is NO invisible creature named “Satan”, “Devil”, or “Lucifer”, it is a misleading Christian doctrine generated by the true SATAN…….The descendants of Edom, the evil fraternal twin of Jacob. Throughout history Esau’s descendants have been nothing but deceivers and the practitioners of Lies and falsehood. They have cunningly falsified history in order to cover their tracks of being the TRUE RED DEVIL (Adversary). Esau was born RED, and this is one of the biggest tricks fabricated by these savages, by using psychological manipulations and the opportune time in history of their dominance, they have created a mythical creature out of all the times that the Hebrew word “Adversary” was used in the Scriptures. Wake up from this false reality that they have brainwashed us with and realize that the only “Devil” & “Satan” is our historical enemy Esau/Edomites.

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