Real Human Stargate Full Integration of Interdimensional Being

[joyous smile] Hello! My name is Lilly, and Im a dimensional being. Well, now Im changed to interdimensional; the reason being that were able to come in, through this portal, FULLY!

So, interdimensional portal is the topic. What is an interdimensional portal? An interdimensional portal is that which gives dimensional beings the ability to access Earth, as a normal human being; and the being whose body this is has access in the dimensions, completely, like a normal dimensional being.

So, an interdimensional portal is the complete/full transference of dimensional beings with this one human being [laughs]. The girl whose body this is, she breathes in and breathes out, and thats how she leaves her body; and then when we come, we breathe in, and then were here, like I am now. Im talking to you right now, fully; and Im moving my hands and Im moving my legs.

Guess what? I stayed in her body for two days, AND I slept! [laughs] It was quite fun, because dimensional beings dont really ever sleep.

So, Im a rather joyous dimensional being. I enjoy myself and who I am, and what were busy doing at the moment in the dimensions; but thats another topic as well. At the moment, were focusing on the interdimensional portal.

So, I have the ability to eat in it, and drink, and walk; and as Ive said, Ive stayed in this for TWO DAYS. Im able to read subconscious minds and unconscious minds of human beings. Im very much intrigued with the physical human body; so, I enjoy investigating its inner workings.

What else? Oh! I am integrated completely, really. The being whose body this is, is completely out. There is nothing of her in here, nothing. Shes free in the dimensions, as a dimensional being, like shes died (but not really, because death doesnt really exist); and here I am, completely.

So, yes, thats all I have to say, really, about the interdimensional portal, from my side; and there will be more beings giving you some perspectives.

Read the Portal’s Blog: Heaven’s Journey to Life

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interdimensional phenomena portal human stargate

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