POPE FRANCIS (Jorge Bergoglio) – What the media has hidden from you (Part1)

See what CNN, MSNBC and Fox just got finished hiding from you. The American media has just got finished slobbering all over itself over the election of a “new Pope”, and first “Jesuit Pope” in History. The excuse for this, is that we are told there are 1 billion Catholics “in the world”. Meaning also however, there are 5 Billion who are not. And the 5

Billion who are not deserve real news from real news programs, not Vatican PR over their FCC licensed publicly financed and publicly owned news programs. (instead of having to get it from a Youtube video) But since that is the only way left to get it, here it is. The real story about Jorge Begoglio (now called “Pope Francis”), the “News” for the 5 Billion people “in the world” who are not Catholic, that should have been reported. The “Filus Perditionis” and “Homo Pecati” of 2 Thessalonians 2, and what he has done to deserve the title. Quote:”May God forgive you for what you have done” End Quote – Jorge Begoglio (Pope Francis), to the College of Cardinals.

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