Out Of Body Experience Astral Travel Adventure with Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones OBE Hypnosis

Ideal for Beginners Of Astral Travel and/or those who are seeking an out of body experience. With the help of specially designed music embedded with binaural beats and isochronic tones, this video may help.

Use this binaural beats/ isochronic tones out of the body session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax.

Remember to use this recording with headphones.

During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible. The session starts at 12 Hz which is the doorway to other frequencies. It can also help to stimulate the throat (Vishuddha) Chakra.

It slowly ramps down to 7 Hz. (Theta)

Theta waves (7 Hz) have been associated with astral projection and to help in the treatment of sleep insomnia issues. At around the 46 minute mark, it starts to ramp up again to the 12 Hz mark, thus bringing you back safely into normal waking patterns.

It is normal when first beginning Astral Projection, that you will experience fear. What happens sometimes is you will start to feel vibrations sweeping up and down your body. Like a pulsing. Once this happens, it is a clue that you are about to project. I know when I first started this, as soon as my body started to have vibrations sweep through it, I panicked and cut if off short.

once you get over this fear, you can move on into the stage of projection. What helped me was actually beginning to envision myself above me, floating there and seeing my body above. I then became that part of me.

Good luck and enjoy. You have nothing to fear and lots of freedom and adventures to gain.

What Wikipedia says on Astral Projection :

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