“ORB’S EXPOSED…. **ANALYSIS*&*EXPOSE**.. “. (. POSiNG AS **ANGELS OF LiGHT** FULL REVEAL “. ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyxlwDpXu7c
The footage with the “Orb Show” i finally have slowed down, and fully explained…. in doing so exposing the demonic layers not only that the orbs are, but that are placed in via programming and the demonic sealing rituals. This footage was originally shot on Christ’mas Day Morning, and the circumstances were extreme as i explain…. i also release previously unseen footage. ~ WARNiNG, THiS COULD BE TRiGGERiNG … PARTiCULARLY iF YOU HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED TO “SRA”, TRAUMA BASED MiND CONTROL PROGRAMMiNG, OR iF iN LiFE YOU HAVE BEEN SPiRiTUALLY ABUSED……Watch with caution, ideally after either careful consideration or prayer~ or your therapist,, whatever works for you do do.

Order of play~
1) iNTRO. (5 mins)
2) SLOW MOTiON VERSiON of originally released ORB ViDEO with full narration accompanying and explaining all. (35 mins Long) .
3) Photographs of Demonic Activities in Varying Forms,… (2mins) i ADViSE PEOPLE NOT TO SEEK THESE KiND OF iMAGES… REMEMBER JESUS CAN & WiLL PROTECT US, ALL WE NEED DO, iS ASK.
4) Normal Speed Version of Orb Release Video From Christ’mas. (06.09 Mins Long) STARTS 41 mins into upload.
5) Newly Released Material, i am such an idiot- please do not act like i am in these videos … (7.27 Mins Long) . (Starting 47 mins into upload).
6) 57 mins ~ The End !!!

I released this in an effort to show what these “Orbs” really are. and why it’s definitely not “cool” to interact with them. I hate these videos and all they show…BUT if they help even one person out from deceptions and lies to truth AND Jesus then its worth having released them… I implore all to keep on at the healing work no matter what distractions “they” try to place in your way.

Sadly i was not surprised to find what i found, because God has been gently pressing me to face upto this for the last few years in fact i have been asking the right questions to myself regarding demonic layering.. in fact, long before i knew i was programmed i was wondering about this …. so the video only confirms i still have work to do , all the same its horribly triggering for me to watch

This was from Christmas day, and normally i don’t behave like this, nor do i have such high level activities as this, NEVER on film more than the occasional one has ever shown itself… One good side effect of me having filmed myself so much, is i have made a point of slow motioning myself in vid’s to see if i got demonic layers peeking through….thankfully its extremely rare, if ever at all for me to find any trace of demonic layers…. However, there are some inside, waiting to get deprogrammed out of me. I knew b’cos long before i watched this on slow mo, i had already been given a heads up by God. Thankfully God also says don’t worry Nina, we are going to finish what we started~we will peel back the layers & heal everything… Regardless~ releasing this video showing all this is happening was/is on one hand horrifyingly awful, whilst on the other healing & cathartic !

PLEASE NOTE~ Please remember the difference between organised religions-cults of mind controlling & misleading peoples…, and REAL truth, which is nothing like legalistic Christianity~ something i do not & never have endorsed~ I just wanted to say this, so people don’t eye roll at some of my posts, thinking i am a brain washed, agenda pushing, Christian propagandist. Thankfully that could not be further from the truth …:) The way things are, if Christ was alive & in the flesh today- he would have NOTHING to do with the church systems (other than to expose/ bring them down) and ultimately that’s what i want to do too…. Anyways i just felt the need to say that …..i do hope people can watch vid’s i release (past, present & future) feeling better about the things i say, and less likely to discount me based on any pre-judemental ideas that sadly mention of Christ can cue up in peoples minds…. Particularly given the levels of brainwashing out there, designed of cause to keep people distracted & in the dark from REAL TRUTH and ways for any real freedom from the hell they place at us all to wade through just to even stay alive here now.

Of cause i have always endorsed personal relations with God & Christ~ for that’s the way to real freedoms from multiple agendas, being shoved down everyone’s throats 24/7- designed for keeping most trapped & mislead. šŸ™ .

‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Ephesians 6:12 ..

Gods Blessings &
Much Love to all,
Nina x

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