New World Order Conspiracy Facts

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New World Order Conspiracy Facts

This video was shown and recorded in Google hangouts to a large group of people with a common interest and uploaded to YouTube for educational purpose. We at be the first to admit that the video quality is less than perfect, but we hope that this doesn’t damper you experience now your here.

In extension to the video, in order to share with you our info. We realised that thousands of individuals like you are typing- in search terms like “New World Order Conspiracy Facts”. So since we’re here to educate people in an area that we are totally passionate about, we’ve prepared the following information for you to get your teeth into. Enjoy !

In order to touch upon the search term “New World Order Conspiracy Facts”, let’s take you back to the year 1989:

Precisely two hundred years after the French Revolution, the pursuit of a New World Order suitably and also determinedly reached a climax in 1989 via the collapse of the Eastern Block. Virtually specifically at the same time the American President George Bush senior announced the “New World Order” at the start of the initial Gulf War. On September 11, 1990, in an address to Congress titled Toward a New World Order, President George Bush called the initial Gulf War a possibility for the New World Order. He said :

“The situation in the Persian Gulf offers an unusual possibility to move towards an historical period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times … a New World Order can arise where the countries of the globe, eastern and also west, north and also southern, can flourish and also stay in harmony … Today the New World is having a hard time to be birthed.”.

After the Gulf War, George Bush declared in an address entitled A Framework for Peace to the American Congress on March 6, 1991: “Now, we could see a New World emerging. A globe where there is the extremely genuine prospect of a New World Order.” And also with respect to the war in the Persian Gulf he stated: “The Gulf war put this New World through its first test, and also, my fellow Americans, we passed that test. Today we stand at a unique and also remarkable moment. The situation in the Persian Gulf, as severe as it is, additionally offers a uncommon possibility to move towards an historical period of teamwork. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective, a New World Order, can arise: a New Era”.

It is often said that President George Bush was the first to use the term New World Order, but for years, the term New World Order has been used thousands of times by politicians, leaders in education, industry, the media, banking, etc. Many of them have promoted the New World Order worldwide, coming from an angle of building a more integrated global political and economic structure, one world.

So who actually are the leading figures behind the planned New World Order and to which families are they related? Will that’s a whole different topic by its self and although we loved to share this info with you now, we haven’t got enough of the forum here to go into it. So to find this out and to hear more powerful evidence to support the coming creation of a one world government, you might want to visit .

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New World Order Conspiracy Facts

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