Nasa Mystery announcement: Does water on Mars mean alien life?

Physicist Dr Simon Foster explains what water on Mars could mean in terms of potential microbial life on the Red Planet

Dr Simon Foster has examined what water on Mars could mean for potential alien life on the planet, in the past, present and future.

The physicist from Imperial College said: “If we were ever to go to Mars, it would not be like the Apollo missions because the planet is so far away.

“It would be almost impossible to take all the resources we need to the planet so we would have to use what’s there, and water would be vital for this.

“As living organisms we need liquid water to survive.”

He went on to say “the next step is to try to find the source of this water. It looks like the flow of water is seasonal so it must be coming from somewhere.”

Watch this video to learn more about Dr Foster’s theory about what the discovery of water means for the future of mankind.

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