Method of the Spiritual Masters — Meditation on the Desire to Know God (1 of 5)

Humanity is experiencing accelerated spiritual growth at this time. Many tools and techniques have been given to humanity from the higher dimensions and Spiritual realms, including specific frequencies of Light. All of these spiritual tools and techniques ultimately serve one purpose — successfully fulfilling the desire to know God.

In this Channel Higher Self video you will learn how to properly use the Light frequency and energy creation tools provided in this Method of the Spiritual Masters mini-series. You will why these tools are helpful for people on the spiritual path of self growth and Self-realization. And you will learn the one technique that all techniques eventually lead a person to: meditation on the final desire of the Heart — the desire to know God; the desire to know who a person truly is; the desire to know what Life truly is; the desire to know the Self – as a full-blown direct experience without any doubt.

This is a powerful Higher Self spiritual teaching that will provide deeper insight on the relationship between the different tools and techniques available for spiritual mastery, and provide deeper guidance on your own spiritual path. All of us began from God and will return to God. All of us are in God right now. By understanding how to effectively work with our spiritual Light energy and with our consciousness in meditation, we can most quickly return to the state of spiritual enlightenment and God realization.

Satsang with the Self
video series by Channel Higher Self.

April 2, 2011

Method of the Spiritual Masters — Meditation on the Desire to Know God

Welcome to the Satsang with the Self video series. To learn more about Satsang with the Self, visit:

Method of the Spiritual Masters — Meditation on the Desire to Know God

Welcome to the Satsang with the Self video session and live video event by Chanel Higher Self.

Beginning on March 1, 2009 and continuing indefinitely, every Satsang with the Self channeling session will be a live interactive video experience using web cams. To learn how you can participate in the next live Higher Self channeling event, visit:

Method of the Spiritual Masters — Meditation on the Desire to Know God

Humanity is experiencing accelerated spiritual growth at this time. Many tools and techniques have been given to humanity from the higher dimensions and Spiritual realms, including specific frequencies of Light. All of these spiritual tools and techniques ultimately serve one purpose — successfully fulfilling the desire to know God.

In this Channel Higher Self video you will learn how to properly use the Light frequency and energy creation tools provided in this Method of the Spiritual Masters mini-series. You will why these tools are helpful for people on the spiritual path of self growth and Self-realization. And you will learn the one technique that all techniques eventually lead a person to: meditation on the final desire of the Heart — the desire to know God; the desire to know who a person truly is; the desire to know what Life truly is; the desire to know the Self – as a full-blown direct experience without any doubt.

This is a powerful Higher Self spiritual teaching that will provide deeper insight on the relationship between the different tools and techniques available for spiritual mastery, and provide deeper guidance on your own spiritual path. All of us began from God and will return to God. All of us are in God right now. By understanding how to effectively work with our spiritual Light energy and with our consciousness in meditation, we can most quickly return to the state of spiritual enlightenment and God realization.

Many blessings and much Love!

To learn more about Channel Higher Self, please visit:

To watch more videos from the Satsang with the Self series, visit:

For personal Higher Self Channeling sessions, visit:

Method of the Spiritual Masters — Meditation on the Desire to Know God

spiritual master technique energy healing meditation ascended master ascension meditation God spiritual enlightenment self-realization tool God-realization peace Love bliss truth

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