JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories Debunked! w/ Dr. Walt Brown

THE RUSSELL SCOTT SHOW – In this interview many of the popular JFK assassination conspiracy theories are debunked by Dr. Walt Brown. Theories include; The mob killed Kennedy, The Federal Reserve was behind the shooting, The driver shot Kennedy and much more.

Other topics include Jack Ruby’s and Marilyn Monroe’s connection to the life and death of JFK.

Walt Brown has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Notre Dame.

Brown, a former special agent of the Justice Department, is a longtime researcher of the Warren Commission and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He is also the editor of JFK/Deep Politics and the author of several books on the subject including: The People V. Lee Harvey Oswald (1992), Treachery in Dallas (1995), Referenced Index Guide to the Warren Commission (1995), JFK Assassination Quizbook (1995) and The Warren Omission(1996).

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