Ichthyosaur: The Giant Fossilized ‘Sea Dragon’ Of Rutland Reservoir

Ichthyosaur: The Giant Fossilized ‘Sea Dragon’ Of Rutland Reservoir

The Discovery of the Legendry Ichthyosaur

How many times have we wondered about the mystical lands lying under the veils of blue? Merely thinking about the diversity within the depth instigates our minds to look further. Imagine what would happen if it came to life in front of the eyes of the whole world.

One fortunate day in February 2021, the world came across a sensational breakthrough. A call from Joe Davis of Rutland Water Nature Reserve created a buzz in the County Council with the news of a dinosaur being spotted. However, in actuality, it was not a dinosaur; instead, it was the fossil of an ancient sea-beast named “Ichthyosaur.”


Revelations that Stunned the World

Projecting the diverse wildlife of the United Kingdom stands Rutland Water. Spotting rare spring migrants and fishing ospreys in summers followed by the autumn wader passage and flocks wildfowl in winters, the land is home to nature.

Arranging trails for the world to take a closer look at the joys of the wild has led the Reserve to maintain its stature in the country. Welcoming the public to enjoy the most colorful creatures all year round, this Reserve is one of the most ironic places to have witnessed the act.

Clueless for years down the road, people have walked on this land. Unaware of the most astounding discoveries concealed in the womb of the earth.

The landscaping work of the reservoir had revealed something alien to the eyes of Mr. Davis in the mud. It was only a matter of time when the revelation was to be ignored as a strange cluster of stones.

However, a jawbone concluded the significance of the structure to the world. Wasting no time, Joe Davis picked up the phone and dialed the numbers. However, the County Council had to halt the excitement of the caller, as they did not have a department apt for the particular project. After the County Council confirmed a call back to Mr. Davis, the hours went in a haze.


The Most Impressive Structure in an Unusual Place

Breaking the wait, a team of paleontologists entered the sight, only to come across one of the most impressive structures in an unusual place. A ten-meter-long creature was now lying down in fossils under the brushes of the UK’s paleontology department.

Unlike dolphins, this air-breathing and warm-blooded predator could grow to a length of 25 meters. Proving their existence on this planet between 250 and 90 million years ago, the sea reptile gained its stature as the largest to be discovered in the UK.

Different global paleontologists coined the discovery as one of the most incredible ones, and probably the size and perfect condition of the fossils is the reason behind this consideration.

The unusual location of the find has also stirred the nation’s curiosity as other marine reptiles were often discovered along the Yorkshire coast or Jurassic Coast in Dorset. However, the inland discovery of Ichthyosaur was astonishing.

The distance of more than 30 miles from the coast to Rutland speaks about the higher water levels of millions of years back. Our imagination can merely portray a blurred picture of an unfathomed ocean grazing the lands. Once filled with entities stranger than Ichthyosaur, the ocean still breathes the air of curiosity.


The Removal Proves the Advancement of Technology

The removal of the predator was a mammoth task that had to be re-instigated in the late summer. Lowering the reservoir’s water levels in Rutland allowed the paleontologists to continue the excavation.

The weight of the large block of clay neared a ton, making it necessary to take special measures before the further examination. The team took special care while digging out the skull of the humungous beast. The specialists covered the clay-clad piece in plaster and carefully placed it on wooden splints before the journey.

Nigel Larkin, a Visiting Research Fellow and paleontological conservator at Reading University, commented on the fossil’s weight. He said that it’s not a usual assignment to lift a heavy and immensely important yet fragile fossil. However, he pointed out that he loves the challenge and is extremely happy about it.

The intention to open sight for the public to view the excavation has become the topic of discussion among the reservoir officials. The Rutland Reservoir and its management body, Anglian Water, seek funding for the Ichthyosaur to stay put in its land of discovery.


Moment of Immense Pride for the Science, Zoology & Nature Aficionados

This is a moment of pride for Rutland Water Nature Reserve’s very own Mr. Joe Davis. Waiting patiently for the world to acknowledge his exceptional contribution to the nation, Mr. Davis has shared his insights on the matter.

He said that many people thought he was simply pulling their leg when he revealed to them about finding a huge marine reptile. Moreover, he also thinks that people will only believe his words only when the TV program airs.

Aired on January 11 on BBC Two at 8 pm, the program has already taken the step to mark the pages of World history. The channel has further planned to avail it on the BBC iPlayer under the title of “Digging for Britain.”

The creature’s discovery has provided the world with more questions than answers. Igniting the wick of underwater mystery once again, the Ichthyosaur has dropped a side of the curtain.

The program would re-ignite hope in millions of minds and add interest in millions more. Digging records to find a mere trail of something more in the blue depths has finally gained a strong base.

Nature is the mother to all, proving which the Ichthyosaur is changing lives even after its extinction. The excavation stands as a pride not only for the people connected with the event but also for the nation.

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