Hillsborough Freemasons, Child Sexual Abuse & Criminal Justice Corruption: Glenn Jenkins

Luton’s Exodus Collective – Retrospective – Glenn Jenkins Speaks: From 1992-2000, the Exodus Collective of Bedfordshire, England were responsible not only for a large number of underground parties but succesfully squatted and purchased a large piece

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05-10-2003, 11:39 #1 General Lighting’s Avatar General Lighting Status: Online.
Exodus Collective post-mortem – Glenn Jenkins Speaks
From 1992-2000, the Exodus Collective of Bedfordshire, England were responsible not only for a large number of underground parties but succesfully squatted and purchased a large piece of land formerly owned by the British Government, and were literally on the verge of kicking off an amazing communal housing / lifestyle venture.

They were the inspiration to other crews around the UK (not least those in Reading – and made national and international press with mostly positive reports of their exploits. They fought off not only the powerful in the Council and Police, but even the Freemasons!

Then, sadly, the collective exploded amongst allegations of violence, teritorrialism against other local crews, hard drug use and general bad behaviour. The group fell apart to the extent where there entire sound system got put through a crusher by the local council and no one was there to protest this as those perceived to “own” it had made so many enemies šŸ™

I won’t post the allegations here as I’m not the sort of person who likes stirring up these things; but searching on the other rave sites and newsgroups (or even speaking to any party person who was about from 1998-2001) will soon turn them up (and it is is not nice stuff).

However, their former spokesman Glenn Jenkins has had the courage and tenacity to speak out about what led to the demise of the collective. Its hard reading; but like a fireman poking about the wreckage of a burnt building his aim is undoubtedly to warn those planning collective ventures of potential pitfalls; maybe his words will prevent the demise of another similar venture.
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03-01-2011, 01:04 #2 DavidT’s Avatar DavidT Status: Offline.
Re: Exodus Collective post-mortem – Glenn Jenkins Speaks
Hey there,

I used to go to Exodus raves all the time and knew all the guys. I left Luton a long time ago and often wonder how they all got on.

I am very interested in the article you mention (Glenn speaks out) but the link does not work. Any chance you could post a new link or copy the text in a post?

Much appreciated,
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03-01-2011, 01:20 #3 1984’s Avatar 1984 Status: Offline.
Re: Exodus Collective post-mortem – Glenn Jenkins Speaks
I used to have their number but it never went active then one day it did but then never told you where the party was. was odd. not that I was trying to attend it mind.

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