Harold Camping Won’t Issue Apology Over Doomsday Prediction

Harold Camping
Born: July 19, 1921, Boulder, CO
Died: December 15, 2013, Alameda, CA
Criticized “preacher” Harold Camping successfully convinced hundreds, perhaps thousands of his followers that the Judgment Day taught in the Bible was going to occur on May 21, 2011. Needless to say, Saturday came and went without any events out of the ordinary at all – and now people are demanding Camping explain himself.

There were billboards all over the place as some people made preparations for the end of the world, some even quitting their jobs and spending their life’s savings, as they awaited Camping’s “calculated” second prediction of ‘Judgment Day’, or the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Now anger and disappointment has filled the air as Camping remains silent and hidden from the many people demanding to know why his so-called Biblical prediction never materialized. While Camping has yet to make a statement publicly, an associate of his, Tom Evans, gave the public some insight as to how Camping is reacting to his doomed Doomsday prediction, saying the ‘preacher’ is “a little bewildered” and “mystified.”

Regarding 2011, Harold Camping responds to a questioning caller about his new false prophecies on the 12-09-2009 Open Forum broadcast:
Caller: I have a hard time believing that May 21, 2011 and October 21, 2011 is going to happen. Is this the wrath of God or what? You know, I don’t know what to think.

Camping: Well, the program is, and we know what it is. God has revealed his time line to us. On May 21, that is, of 2011, that’s the first day of the day of judgment and it is also the day, the last day of salvation anywhere on planet Earth because all of the true believers will be caught up to be with him. And then the day of judgment will extend itself for five months. We learn that from Revelation chapter 9….

Camping: Well, this earth has to come to an end. And that five months period is the period of the final wrath of God on this Earth and on October 21, 2011, it will never, never exist again. It will be totally annihilated. It’ll never be remembered or come into mind again but all of those who are, who were true believers will be with Christ and Christ says he will bring to pass a new heaven and a new earth. It’s a whole brand new adventure, adventure for those people. And it’s a grand and glorious thing because it’ll never, never involve sin again….
Mother Kills Son
(Was It Over The Rapture?)
Julianne McCrery In May of 2011, Julianne McCrery, a Texas mother, killed her 6 year old son in Maine. The suspected and alleged reason was in preparation for the Rapture on May 21, 2011. When she was arrested, she was sitting in her truck reading a bible. The media called her a bible thumping religious zealot who sacrificed her son in preparation for the rapture, which is predicted for Saturday, May 21. If that was the real reason, it doesn’t seem clear at this time.
Attempted Murder-Suicide
To Escape The Tribulation
Lynn Benedetto A Los Angeles County woman, Lyn Benedetto, tried to unsuccessfully kill her daughters and herself by cutting their necks with a knife on 3-19-11 because she thought the Tribulation was coming. Her attempted murder-suicide is crystal clear proof of the danger of false teachers and false prophets, but only reveals the temporal side of this damage. It doesn’t reveal the many lost SOULS who are now in hell because they were deceived. Jesus called such people ravenous wolves in sheep’s clothing (Mt. 7:15). Harold Camping is just one of many. BTW, because of Harold Camping and other false prophets, non-believers have mocked the credibility of the Bible, the Lord’s return and Christianity in general. NOTE: The Bible has never and will never be discredited by any false prophet, including Harold Camping. More will come, as the age comes to a close. One final point: In light of Lyn Benedetto, can you image the similar problems that will arise over the upcoming December 21, 2012 hysteria. It won’t be pretty! Anchor yourself in God, the only sure hope anyone has.
Life’s Savings Wasted
The New York Post (May 13, 2011 issue) ran an article of an engineer who has wasted more than $140,000 (his life’s savings) into advertising the May 21, 2011 Harold Camping false prophecy. That man could be ruined for the rest of his life because he believed the Camping lie. That reflects the DANGER of false prophets to just a minimal degree. Similiar financial harm was done in 1988 with that rapture false prophecy too. If it was only embarrassed and ruined lives the harm would be too great. Sadly, the rotten fruit of people like Harold Camping will stretch in eternity as SOULS are hurt spiritually in various ways.

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