Fake Moon Landing? Rebuke #4: Shadows

Here are some new angles on shadow angles. Or at least I think they are. The bottom line is the same: hoax nuts are wrong and usually easily debunked.

My thanks to Stickings90 for his video clip. I’ve put links to BlisterHiker’s very comprehensive videos at the end of my video.

Now, conditions for earning the $1000 I mentioned in the video. First, it has to be done with video, not a still shot. Use two objects and two light sources and get a uniformly lit field with one object casting a single shadow in one direction and the other object casting a shadow in the other. Neither object can be casting two shadows.

Film the set with the lights behind you or out of sight below your camera, showing the shadow effect. Move around 90 degrees to the setup, still filming it. Then do a pan showing your two lights. Keep the camera recording continuously. Have no obstructions between the lights and the objects or around the objects.

Remember your goal: to show that NASA got un-parallel shadows by using multiple light sources, while each object casts only one shadow. To duplicate the picture in the video, the lights cannot be any closer to the objects than they could have been in the NASA picture.

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