Did They Finally Find the Lost City of Atlantis?


Was Atlantis a real place or just a fictional story? Where might it be located? Many have searched for the location of the lost city where a powerful civilization lived. But could they have been looking in the wrong place all this time? A recent report claims to have discovered the true location of Atlantis, and it’s nowhere near where you’d expect it to be!

How the story actually goes 1:38
The way the story was told 5:09
Theories that support the existence of Atlantis 6:08
Is the Richat Structure where Atlantis has been hiding? 7:58
How an “island” could be sitting in the desert 10:43

Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Bus Da Blockbuster – Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions
Destination Unknown – Ugonna Onyekwe
Ladybug – Quincas Moreira
Light Years Away – Doug Maxwell

– The idea of Atlantis was conceptualized by the Greek philosopher Plato, who wrote about it in two of his works, Timaeus and Critias.
– Atlantis was an extraordinary island in the Atlantic Ocean. As for the main city located there, its peculiarity was that it had concentric rings that alternated between water and land. The city was beautifully designed, had extravagant architecture, was home to kings and a strong military force, and was overall a marvel to behold.
– In essence, the legend of Atlantis tries to show that Athens was the most powerful state. It’s a story about a small but peaceful city (Athens) that triumphs over a powerful but corrupt one (Atlantis).
– It was a tale that was passed down from generation to generation: from Egyptian priests, to Solon, to Critias’ grandfather, to Critias himself, and finally to Socrates. If the story was real, information is bound to be lost, misinterpreted, or changed in some way.
– There are some theories that support the existence of Atlantis. According to Robert Ballard, the ocean explorer who discovered the wreckage of the Titanic, the story of Atlantis makes sense because similar things have happened to other civilizations.
– If the island was real, there are so many theories about its original location. Some have said it existed under Antarctica, on the coast of Spain, or somewhere in the Mediterranean.
– The Richat Structure, casually known as the “The Eye of the Sahara,” is a circular formation in the Earth located in Northwest Africa, in the country of Mauritania. And if you look at pictures that depict what the city of Atlantis might’ve looked like and compare them to the Richat Structure, you can’t deny the similarities!
– Now, there are differing ideas on how to interpret ancient units of measurement, but most sources put one stadium equal to anywhere from 607 to 630 feet. So, do the math and 127 of those would be about 15 miles.
– To support this claim is the fact that the Richat Structure is deeply eroded, meaning that great amounts of water must have created the formations that currently stand. Pictures of the coastal area of the region show what looks like water formations going from the coast to where the Richat Structure now stands.

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