Crop Circle Communication REAL ET vs. Man-Made – Barbara Lamb 2/2

Crop Circles are very large patterns that are suddenly discovered in fields of growing crops. REAL Crop Circles vs. man-made: The big difference is, that with the man-made patterns, when the stalks are bent over and laid down at ground level, they break where they are bent over.

They just crack and break. And the plants die, because they are not getting the nourishment from the roots in the ground. They are lifeless and dull, listless, and there is no energy changes, no sign of anything mysterious having happened in those man-made crop circles.

The genuine ones, in contrast, they have an increase in energy. People who are sensitive about energies can feel the energy increase in a genuine crop circle. Crop circle researchers say with real crop circles, the energy of the site is altered to the extent that sometimes the functions of mobile phones and other electronic devices are affected.

The circles’ intelligent, intricate designs have mystified many researchers from various scientific disciplines to the present day. Peer-reviewed scientific studies suggest that genuine crop circles are created by a source beyond our conventional knowledge.

In 2001 Barbara Lamb co-authored “Crop Circles Revealed,” a book that comprehensively investigates these beautiful creations. Ms. Lamb is also the former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies, and was a board member and presenter for the Center for Crop Circle Studies in Los Angeles, California, USA:


❤ It is time for us to awaken; feel with our hearts and listen to our Souls. One of the most self-empowering, compassionate, and environmentally sound actions we can take to raise our vibration mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, is to no longer create and consume the trauma of other sentient beings.

Ⓥ Mother Nature (Creation) is telling us that we are Vegan Beings (Plant-Based Diet) – epidemic levels of spiritual, mental, physical disease (dis-ease) and environmental destruction! At this point of our evolution, humans are biologically Herbivore/Frugivore:!/VitalVeda

If we want Peace in our World – Hearts-Minds-Bodies-Souls – why would we create and consume violence? Thank you for being and/or becoming Vegan so ALL may LIVE!

VitalVeda claims no rights to this video or its contents – for educational and enlightenment purposes only. This video was created by: For information on how you can save our Planet and ALL Life by embracing a Vegan Life visit:

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