CERN Data and BSRT – Beams 1 and 2 (X 2 Browsers) (9/16/2015; 21:22:25; 1st)

CERN Transverse Synchrotron Light Monitors
BSRT – Beams 1 and 2 on September 16, 2015 at 21:22:25 Central Time Zone
Energy Level: 6500 GeV
Beam Intensity: 1.05e + 14
Bunches: 1033

NOTE: CERN has DISABLED the slider on ALL panels, including those for the beams. Because CERN DISABLED the refresh rate slider, it is now FIXED at a 30 second refresh rate ONLY. Therefore, each recording now has 2 browsers open on the beams, each recording at the new ‘default’ of 30 second intervals. For this recording, Beam 1 is on the LEFT; Beam 2 is on the RIGHT.

DUE TO THIS PROBLEM, ALL future recordings which have 2 (or 3) browsers open to record will necessarily have ALL SCREENSHOT postings delayed and no narrative stating the marked time of observed faces.

This video contains screenshots of the LHC3 Panel, Beam 2
(on 10 sec autorefresh) LHC Page1 Panel, Dashboard, LHC
Luminosity Panel with LHC Announcer.

Links to view data at CERN Website:


PLEASE CHECK MY G+ Account for CERN-Related updates, articles, beam screenshots, and recommended videos. For ease of retrieval, check out my “Collections” folders: 1) CERN beam screenshots and 2) CERN and Quantum theory related articles/videos.

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