Are alien invaders literally abducting Earth’s citizens? UFO Diaries

Are alien invaders literally abducting Earth’s citizens? Are we, as some experts claim, simply guinea pigs for some inter-galactic science project? Is there any way to know which of us will be the next target of an alien abduction?
You may find the answers profoundly disturbing, even frightening, as we explore the most famous abduction stories ever recorded in the UFO Diaries.
Even to the countless thousands who now believe in extraterrestrial life, the reports of alien abductions may still seem increale. If these stories are true, then our concept of the place our world holds iii the universe may have to be radically re-appraised.
For most of us, that possibility may be too awesome to contemplate.
UFO diaries tell us about alien invasion , unexplained phenomena and unidentified flying objects appear throughout history. It contains eyewitness, rare documentary, footages and staged scenes created by the description of most widely covered in the press cases of contact with UFO around the world.
Is there life on Mars? Did aliens visit Earth? What secrets our governments hide?
One amazing story after another , unexplained facts, evidence confirming the existence of UFOs , direct contact with aliens and abductions of earthlings – in the stories of ordinary people from different countries.

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