An Ocean Mystery: The Missing Catch – A Preview

What if everything we know about the amount of fish in the ocean isn’t true? What if the quantity of fish we catch is much higher than we realize? What if we’re heading for a global fishing catastrophe that could trigger a food crisis for millions?

In a multi-year investigation, an international team of scientists led by Dr. Daniel Pauly has set out to challenge dangerous assumptions about the amount of fish we remove from the oceans. Dr. Pauly contends that as governments and regulators report on commercial fishing, and claim the oceans can handle the huge catches – they’re wrong.

The official data fails to account for entire categories of fishing, including small-scale, recreational, and illegal fishing (collectively known in the industry as IUU fishing).

If we don’t know how many fish we catch? How can we know that there are enough left?

The fate of one of humanity’s most important food sources depends on convincing governments and industry to finally take stock of the missing fish.

“The Missing Fish” film will follow the journey of Dr. Daniel Pauly and his team as they gather information to calculate the world’s total fish catch. The film is scheduled for release later this year.

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