Alien Annunaki Illuminati who gave us Science, Language, Mathematics, etc.

Muslims want to claim that the are the fathers of Medicine, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and all the science…Unfortunately that is incorrect…this was all known already in Egypt and many other places of the world and was originally brought down from the highly advanced Annunaki/ Nephilim/ Greys/and other types of Aliens who also have a lot to with the newest version of Humans. (story of Adam and Eve is a story of genetic engineering) The Annunaki even performed heart-surgery and where seen as “Gods”

There are millions of stone pictures all over Egypt showing space-craft, they have found Computers and electric light and batteries inside the Pyramids witch they helped build also.
this also makes it so very logical why absolutely ZERO new stuff is coming out of Muslim Countries since the original Annunaki have left long ago and only come around once in a while to check on us, but there Children remain on earth today. but today you can call the Illuminatis/ Royal Families/Elite-bloodlines.

Out of Africa theory is wrong not all races originate in Africa. Atlantis and Lemuria are under water so anthropologists only look to Africa. smithsonian hides tall giant skeletons and skulls. ancient Caucasian skulls in North and South America, why hide them? research and see the truth. look up King tut’s haplogroup and DNA and compare to all other mummies world wide, all roads lead to Atlantis. We did not come from apes, apes came from us…check out a book called”The Genesis Race: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species “, “The Upright Ape: A New Origin of the Species” , “Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization ” and “History Is Wrong” by Erich von Daniken.

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