9/11~World Trade Center-Fact or Conspiracy Theory?

Fact or Conspiracy Theory: The summary below of unsolved mysteries…
Many different areas of 9/11 World Trade Center remain unexplained, like major power downs before September 11, 2001. Both Commercial Planes had some type of object fired from a pod of its underbelly and made a light before impacting the Twin Towers (Military Plane?). Major explosions in World Trade Center Basement and WTC-6, Gold Heist of missing Gold Bars in WTC Basement (during explosions), WTC 1 & 2 collapse near freefall speed (almost 13 seconds each), The Unexplained Thermite found on Ground Zero with huge asteroid like rocks fused metal and cement together. WTC-7 collapsed in a demolition style at freefall speed, investigators said fire was the cause of collapse that came from WTC 1 & 2, while surrounding buildings remained untouch from fires. Were the Planes undestructable black boxes ever found? Some say FBI confiscated the black boxes and never released their information…So was this a Terrorist Attack or a Coverup?

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