011_3 Giants in the land (HD)

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Why is the first eleven chapters of Genesis so important for us to know and understand?

There are many reasons, but the most important reason for studying the first eleven chapters of Genesis
is to learn about the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Person who created
all things and for whom all things were created.

The next most important reason for studying the first eleven chapters of Genesis is that these chapters
lay the foundation for the rest of the Scriptures.

They provide us with a worldview that is assumed in the remaining books of the Bible, so knowing and
understanding the first eleven chapters of Genesis is vital to our correctly understanding many other
parts of Scripture as well.

Our worldview is quite literally the way in which we view the world – how we interpret the nature
of reality.

Every part of our lives, from our marriages to our financial decisions, is shaped by what we believe
to be true about the world we live in.

The meaning of the word Genesis is beginning. Not only is Genesis found at the beginning of the Bible,
it contains an explanation of the origin of many things.

The first eleven chapters of Genesis explain the origin of:

The universe and in particular our own world.

The first eleven chapters of Genesis tell us who we are, where we’ve come from, and where we are headed.

Every major doctrine of the Bible finds its source and root in Genesis.

These video-studies are based on sermons by Pastor Jan Neels, Heritage Reformed Congregation of Jordan
Ontario, Canada, with the following two exceptions –
18 (The Nations of the World) and 19/20 (Babylon the City of Man). These were taken from sermons by Dr. Joel Beeke,
Heritage Netherlands Reformed, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I recommend that you use the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible when doing these studies,
as the speaker quotes from this version in the videos.

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